Posted on Mar 11, 2021
We don't often write with breaking news, and with Congress poised to take action on coronavirus relief this week, we wanted to answer some of your questions right away.
Is Pledge My Check still active?
Yes! Since last spring you have shared more than $87,000 with 73 families from the LCEC and Centro Hispano. Dozens more are eligible. The impact of your contribution is real and important. 
May I redirect my new COVID relief check?
Yes! Here’s how it works:
Donate all or part of your check on the special Pledge My Check giving page.
Together the LCEC and Centro will randomly draw from among eligible families.
Together we’ll give those families the money with no limitations, just as it was given to us.
What if I'm not eligible for a relief check?
You are still welcome to give. Many Pledge My Check donors note that they aren't eligible for relief but want to make a direct impact in a family's life. Simply use the Pledge My Check giving page to direct your contribution this way.
As you know, there are still plenty of families for whom this kind of timely financial boost would make a very big difference. For some of us, this is a relatively painless way to live out our values. If this is not a way you can give, please know that all of the other ways you contribute to this community are deeply appreciated.
We will send more stories and photos from the Center early next week.
For now, THANK YOU!