Posted by John Olsen on Aug 25, 2022
We have now returned to having lunches at our weekly Club meetings provided by a caterer (TNT). Here are the procedures. When you arrive at the meeting, a Greeter will direct you to sign in on our Attendance Sheet at the Treasurer’s Assistant desk; at the same time, you will also check whether or not you are going to have the catered meal. If you select “Yes” for the meal, the $15 charge will appear on your next quarterly dues invoice (as we did pre-COVID).
If you bring a Guest, you have two options:
  1. You can pay $15 to the Treasurer’s Assistant at the time, either cash or check, or
  2. You can have the $15 charged to your account for payment with your next quarterly dues invoice.
All Guests will be asked to fill out a Guest Card and submit it to the Treasurer’s Assistant. Visiting Rotarians will fill out a Visiting Rotarian Card and submit it to the Treasurer’s Assistant.
For certain Guests (speakers, prospective members, RYE students, scholarship recipients, Rotary dignitaries, etc.) there will be no meal charge; the Club will cover the cost.
Visiting Rotarians will be asked to pay the $15 meal charge at the meeting, either cash or check.
Our Board of Directors has decided that only members and others who actually have a meal will pay for the meal (this is a change from past practice). Therefore, you have the option from week to week to choose whether or not you will take the meal. The same applies for Visiting Rotarians and Guests.
We need to accurately track the meals for two reasons:
  1. For billing members on their quarterly dues invoices, and
  2. For paying the charges from our caterer.
Our caterer needs to closely track how many people need to be served each week in order the have the appropriate amount of food available (not too little and not too much). To that end, if you know you will be bringing in a number of Guests for any reason, you should notify the Club Officers well in advance of the meeting.