Posted on Mar 11, 2022
For those able to attend the meeting Friday, March 11th, there seemed to be great appreciation for Mary Van Hout's arranging the lunch.  She noted that other than picking up some sodas and cookies all that was needed was a call to the Middleton Roman Candle for the delivery of the pizzas.  She charged things on her card and then was able to be reimbursed by the funds in the basket, which added up to around $50 over expenses.  The overage will be placed in a club account so that we can cover in the event we have days when expenses are more than revenues.
John Olsen will handle things for next week. Mary Cobb Dunn, will you note so in the newsletter so people come prepared.  Also, a reminder that a correct change of 10 bucks is helpful.
Thanks, Mary Van Hout for handling this.
We need volunteers to help provide food in the future, so if you are willing to either have pizza delivered or perhaps sandwiches that will be great.  We need to develop a system for this.
The diaper drive is off to a great start.  Thanks to everyone for brainstorming the ideas for member engagement and also to celebrate the club's 50th.