Monday, June 9, 2025
1322 Pleasant View Road
Middleton, WI 53562


Have some fun and at the same time support the Madison West Middleton Rotary Foundation, Inc. (a 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization). All proceeds from the Annual Golf Outing fund our local and international projects and programs.

Don't wait to register!

We are limited to 144 golfers

Register as an *INDIVIDUAL, a *GROUP of 2, a *GROUP of 3, or a FOURSOME

*INDIVIDUALS and various *GROUPS will be put together to create FOURSOMES after June 10, 2024



General questions? Contact:

Mary Beth Growney Selene

(608) 271-7979



8:00 AM  
Pick up Box Lunch
Sales of Golfer Package,*
String Game,
50-50 Raffle Tickets
*Golfer Packages (10 raffle tickets and 5 mulligans) are available throughout the day
9:30 AM
Shotgun Start for 18 Holes of Golf with cart
After Golf  
Full Cookout at the Clubhouse. 
The bar will be open.
Pick and announce  winners of  50-50 Raffle &
Golf Events - Announce prizes for the best team scores, etc.
Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards will be accepted
Golfers prepay $130 each ($520 for a foursome) which includes 18 holes, a cart, a box lunch, and a full cookout. 
Not part of a foursome? No problem! Don't miss out on all the fun - We put together foursomes!
Your reservation will not be valid until payment has been received. Payment must be received on or before Monday, June 10, 2024.

Shotgun Start for 18 Holes of Golf

2 Putt maximum rule in effect

MULLIGANS may be used for any shot, with the exception of winning the closest to the hole contests on the Par 3’s


(longest drive, longest putt, closest to the hole, straightest drive, etc.)

Pro Shop Certificate to each winner

Per golfer prize for 1st Place Teams

TEAMS: Men’s Team, Women’s Team, Mixed Team

Teams must turn in the TEAM Scorecard to the Pro Shop upon completion of the round.


Have some fun and at the same time support the Madison West Middleton Rotary Foundation, Inc. (a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization). All proceeds from the Annual Golf Outing fund our local and international projects and programs



Proceeds from this event will fund our local and international projects including:

Habitat for Humanity of Dane County, Inc

High School Scholarships

Jefferson Middle School

Local Food Pantries

Lussier Community Education Center

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

Guatemala Medical Mission

Guatemala Midwife Training Project

Mooseheart Model Child Rearing

Oliveros Scholarship Fund

Orphan Train Project

Polio Eradication

Rotary Youth Exchange


and more ...

We appreciate your support in our efforts.
Come Join us as a golfer, a sponsor (or both).

Registration & Golfer Package sales
begin at 8:00 AM
Shotgun Start 18 holes of golf at 9:30 AM
Full Cookout

We are accepting Auction donations now!

For everything you need to know contact
Deb Dieter


 Be A Sponsor!

There are several ways Your Company can put its message in front of hundreds of local influential participants.
There are different levels of sponsorship ranging from $300 up to $5,000. 
Roxanne Brazeau will be most happy to guide you through the advantages and benefits that come with the sponsorship of this worthy event.
For everything you need to know contact
Roxanne Brazeau at 608-212-0007